Home Decor

5 Easy DIY Pumpkin Decor Ideas For Fall

Fall is quickly approaching, and its time for cooler weather, sweaters, and fall decor. This means not just pumpkin spice lattes (PSLs) but also pumpkin decor! Adding pumpkin decor to your home is an easy way to add some fall fun to your rooms. Not everything has to be leaves, lanterns, or lattes. While many of us have our go to decor we love to set out, making something special with your family makes memories that last for years.

We put together some of the easiest, most fun, creative ideas for your DIY pumpkin decor for fall. Get your family and friends involved in these memory filled crafting projects. Have more ideas or did we miss something? Let us know!

DIY Yarn Pumpkins

We love this simple project. Finding some plastic pumpkins from a hobby store, and repurposing some yarn left from other projects, you can create a fun look for little effort.

There are many variation of yarn pumpkins: some use yarn to outline a pumpkin shape for a beautiful wall decoration, for kids it can be fun to glue yarn on a paper to make a pumpkin and some wrap a plastic pumpkin in yarn like in the pin here.

No matter how you make your yarn pumpkin, it is an easy way to add some fun to your fall decor.

Concrete Pumpkin Planters

Want a unique, and festive, planter for those fall mums? Look no further than a concrete pumpkin planter!

There are many ways of doing this project to achieve different sizes of planters, depending on your needs. While the easiest is to find a cheap, plastic pumpkin and use this as a template, there are other “hacks” to get even larger sizes.

Want a more cylindrical planter? Try a 5 gallon bucket and place the “face” inside. Make sure to coat and line the bucket, or pumpkin, so you can release the planter without issue. There are several steps along the way to make sure you get the right end product, so research appropriately.

This project may be better for adults or older teens. If you want to have smaller kids and friends involved, have them choose flowers or items to go inside the planter. You can also have a painting party, and the younger kids can enjoy taking turns painting and adding their own custom touches.

Classic Toilet Paper Pumpkins

This is such a favorite DIY project. Great for kids or adults, anyone! This simple DIY project can be adjusted each year to create new looks with different fabrics, and it smells great if you use cinnamon sticks.

Try using new fabrics such as buffalo plaid (white and black is a go to) or a textured white with orange colors.

For the top, cinnamon sticks are a great look that smell amazing. Try some real leaves or faux. You can also get creative with leaves: using felt or fabric for a more custom look.

Kids can get involved in this project easily. There are no glue guns or messy elements to worry about. Even younger kids can have fun choosing fabrics, wrapping the toilet paper, and adding the top. Or perhaps even just unwrapping the toilet paper for a mummy party!

For more toilet paper projects ready for the fall, we love to turn to Pinterest or Martha Stewart for inspiration. On Pinterest, searching toilet paper crafts can turn up a lot of fun craft activities using the old rolls of toilet paper. A perfect way to keep the kids entertained and allowing the creativity to flow!

Pallet Pumpkins

We love a great pallet project, and recycling. This is a fun way to incorporate old pallets and turn them into something new and fun.

Adding some custom decorations is a great way to get everyone involved! In this example, adding some fabric to the top with straw gives each pumpkin a personality and some flare.

Pallet pumpkins are a great addition to your outside decor, or if small enough can be used inside.

If you want an easier version of a pallet pumpkin, find an old pallet and get to painting! Paint lots of small pumpkins in a pattern along each wood board, or try a larger pumpkin. Get creative with added fabrics, hay, and other decor to create your unique design.

Want more pallet project ideas? Try our ideas for pallet projects.

Scarecrow or Animal Painted Pumpkins

Have fun and get creative with painted pumpkin projects. This is a great project to do with real pumpkins, plastic, or a fabric pumpkin you make. This is a beautiful scarecrow pumpkin you can purchase, if you do not want to DIY.

Great options to purchase pumpkin decor are often at fall festivals, farmers markets, and small towns. Etsy and Facebook marketplace are often host to many makers who put love, time, and effort into their artwork.

If purchasing isn’t an option, take some inspiration and make a fun project for you, family and friends. Really get creative by making a pumpkin into a beloved family pet, turn each of your kids into their own pumpkin caricature, or finding movie heros as inspiration and decor.

Making the best DIY Pumpkin Decor For Fall

Getting creative with your fall pumpkin decor doesn’t have to be complicated or messy. We love having family time during our craft projects, while saving money and making a happy cozy house a home. It doesn’t have to stop with pumpkin decor, finding hay stalks, corn, and other fall feeling items will help create a more complete fall decor picture.

Fall is also a great time to finish home DIY projects like painting a room or replacing light bulbs. Using the paint or materials from these projects is a fantastic way to recycle materials which can save money and the environment. Getting creative is something the whole family can get behind.

For more fall decoration ideas, see our latest posts below for more fall decor, and home decor, inspiration!